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Site editor: Philippe Roguet, registered in the National Business Register under the number in the National Business Register, APE code 9003B - Other artistic creation

Intellectual property: All texts, comments, works, illustrations, works and images reproduced or represented on the Site are strictly reserved under copyright law and intellectual property rights, for the entire duration of these rights and worldwide. As such and in accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, only use for private purposes is authorized, subject to different or more restrictive provisions of the intellectual property code.

The website is declared to the CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties) under the number 0000000.

Any reproduction, representation, modification or total or partial adaptation of the Site and/or any or all of the elements found on the Site or incorporated into it is strictly prohibited. Users undertake to make their best efforts to report to the author any violation of intellectual property rights that they would notice.

Cookies: “Cookies” are a block of data used to record data about a user’s navigation on a website. “Cookies” do not allow a user to be identified. The author informs users that such “cookies” can automatically install on their internet browsing software. The setting of the browsing software allows to inform of the presence of “cookies” and possibly to refuse them by referring to the instructions of the different browsing software of each user. Users have a right of access, withdrawal and modification of personal data communicated through “cookies” under the conditions indicated in article 4 “Personal data”. The author draws the attention of users to the fact that, for technical reasons, disabling “cookies” may restrict users’ access to the Site.

Personal data: The information and data concerning users are processed by The author. Unless otherwise stated, they are essential for the management of their account and their access to the service. This information and data are also kept for security purposes, in order to comply with the legal and regulatory obligations incumbent, where applicable, on The author, and also to allow us to improve and personalize the services we offer to users and the information we send them.

In accordance with the so-called “data processing and liberties” law of January 6, 1978, users have a right of opposition, access, rectification and deletion of personal data concerning them, under the conditions provided by law. To exercise them, they just need to write to us online via the contact form or by mail to The author, 23-25 rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 75001, Paris, indicating their name, first name, e-mail and address. In accordance with current regulations, their request must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document bearing their signature and specify the address to which The author must send them the answer. A response will then be sent to them within a maximum period of 2 months following receipt of the request. They may be likely to receive offers from our company and our partners, depending on their choices made during the creation or consultation of their account. If they no longer wish to do so, they can request it at any time by specifying it in “My account”.

Guarantees and limitations of liability: The author makes his best efforts to make the Site available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, regardless of scheduled maintenance operations, subject to the provisions of this article. Access to the Site and content is provided on the basis of an “as is” service and accessible according to its availability. The author provides no express or implied warranty on the inviolability of all or part of the Site, the content and its permanent accessibility. The author cannot guarantee that certain characteristics of the products (especially the colors) presented on the Site exactly reproduce the products; the fidelity depending in part on the quality of color rendering of each user’s computer equipment. The author undertakes to make his best efforts to ensure the operation of the Site and its access in the best conditions. Any user undertakes not to disclose to a third party his personal identifiers concerning the Site and to promptly notify the Customer Relations Service of The author in case of loss, theft or fraudulent use of his personal identifiers. In any case, The author cannot be held responsible in case of access to the Site or use of the services of the Site by a user not in compliance with these and in particular in case of access to the services due to fraud, loss, theft or communication of personal identifiers. Similarly, accessing the Site implies acceptance by the user of the particular characteristics of the Internet network as well as the risks and hazards associated with it (response time, risks associated with information exchanges, data hacking, presence of computer viruses).

The user assuming sole full responsibility for any visit and navigation on the Site, The author cannot incur any liability in case of direct or indirect damage suffered by or caused to any user resulting from inappropriate or negligent use of a computer or any computer tool, a defect in maintenance of the equipment or Internet access, and more generally any malfunction of servers, telephone lines, ADSL connections, or other. The Site may contain links to other websites that remain outside the control of The author. The author declines any responsibility in case of non-compliance with the rules concerning data protection or the content of these websites.

Modification of mentions: The author reserves the right to modify this document at any time. The version of this document in force and applicable on the day of each visit to the Site appears in the “Legal Notices” section of the Site. The author therefore invites users to regularly consult this document.

Applicable law and jurisdiction: These mentions are established and governed by French law. unless contrary public order provision, any dispute related to the interpretation, validity and consequences of these mentions, will be exclusively decided by the French courts territorially competent. Given the global dimension of the Internet network, The author informs that any user must comply with all the rules applicable in the country of residence of the users.

The photographs on this website are copyright © Philippe Roguet — All rights reserved.

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